Hey there, cats 'n' kittens. It's me: your old pal, Pat. (King.)
I've been kicking around the idea of blogging an upcoming trip to Europe this summer, and went poking around Internet to see if a domain with my name attached to it was free, and lo and behold: some jerk snapped up most of the normal ones. But somehow they overlooked the quietly stylish, dignified-yet-impish dot-org on which you find yourself, and so I leapt at the chance to give Google twelve of my own g.d. dollars and snapped it up. It's sorta odd having the dot-org, but in a very real sense I as a human being am nonprofit in nature, so I'm keeping it, and I'm using all the italics I want because fonts are free on I n t e r n e t.
So, here we are. I'm about six weeks out from my flight to Vienna, capping off a whirlwind weekend in New York (yes, I'm seeing Hamilton, I made some decisions and I am reaping the consequences) and launching a summer of exploration and new horizons. It's gonna be swell, potentially even great! Various things will be on plates. Stay tuned for more of that, along with whatever deranged ramblings my brain can spit onto this screen. Or leave and NEVER RETURN, you are the captain of your ship, you are the master of your soul, and I am not your real dad.
Okay! Goodbye forever until I remember I have a blog again!