August 14, 2022


Hellooooo, I fell off the planet for a bit there. Longer than I expected or planned, in part because my "sometimes music is nice" post didn't upload properly as I sped into Switzerland. Yeah, well, you design a world-wide web and see how it works.

But we're still playing catchup and the good news is, this post pulls us up an entire [kinda hazy, honestly a little blurry] month, because Bologna was mid-June to mid-July and boy howdy let me tell you it was stupidly hot and slightly overly busy. After the jump: what kind of creep complains about how busy he was while getting work done in Bologna, Italy! Especially when he starts describing the rest of the month and realizes he actually had an incredibly lucky time of it all! Wow! Gratitude practice much??

A blurry view of Bologna from Patrick King on Vimeo.

August 10, 2022

Follow the music

It's a cliche to say that Italian life is lived in the streets, and like most cliches about Italy, it's really a cliche that's mostly true as you head south from Florence. But it's also one of those cliches that's basically true, and on this trip the thing that struck me most as a delightful outcome is the way that outdoor culture pulls you back to a time when circumstance and luck had the most to do with what music you heard. Italy's very much not an earbud-heavy country; after the jump, a brief sketch of what's in it for you when you follow the music.