June 5, 2021


 OK, fuller update to come sometime over the next few weeks as I'm able to pull it together, but wanted to post the first batch of footage from my first travel in about a year and a half: camping in Iceland! After having had some good family time (first time seeing any siblings in person since Christmas 2019), I was looking to unplug from work for at least a week, and thanks to weird market forces, it ended up being about the same to camp across Iceland as it would have been to rent a car here in Chicago for more midwestern camping... So, I went!

Much to say about the trip in many directions, but just wanted to drop the first of what'll be at least two, possibly three, pieces of montage I an throwing together on the back end of the trip. This one's the most straightforward. I rented a car to drive the Ring Road around Iceland's circumference (with side trips along the way) and most of the time I was on the road, I just let a camera sit on the dashboard recording the trip. So, that's basically this: just a trimed-and-culled assemblage of the footage that turned out, with NONE of the very exciting "oh I guess the camera was pointing the wrong way to catch the road" footage that is now, and forever, only MINE to enjoy. You gots to keep yer secrets, you does.

 Anyhow. More to come, but for now: The Ring, as experienced by this goober.