September 26, 2019

Blinded by the light

Yr fella has interrupted the postings here yet again, and indeed, following the grand tradition of this blog, is back not with more #content but with a thoughtful bouquet of excuses! Basically, a programming note: two weeks after getting eye surgery, there's been a wave of light sensitivity which turns out not to be a great condition to have re: staring at computer screens. It's on the wane now thanks to some steroid eyedrops (side effects: my vision is getting extremely aggro??) which is why I can write this bloblet to say: sorry sorry I'm trying to fix it.

I'm also moving house, in rehearsal, and juggling a couple other Life Things, so y'know, I love you and I'll be back but not YET, I'm BUSY, come back in a MINUTE.

A mountain of kisses, and promises for future nooz you can yooz.