January 19, 2023

The lord alps those who alps themselves, etc etc

Hey dumdums, guess who isn't dead: it's me! The guy who blogs sometimes but apparently literally never when school is in session, or even over winter break! SO: yes, turns out directing a show and teaching overload levels by community college standards while my program's enrollment actually starts inching toward the "hey not bad!" levels we seem to be approaching... is not conducive to taking weekends to pleasantly relax and look at my summer travels! Time management: who needs it!


Anyhow: I found a moment today where I didn't feel crushingly behind on things, and so I figured we may as well restart this blog's slow, methodical, sluglike squirm towards the contemporary (which will eventually include a complicated reckoning with my trip to Morocco this winter break, fulfilling a 2020 dream that got dashed for obvious reasons)... by trying to remember what Switzerland was like in July of 2022! After the jump: buncha dumb rocks.

look at this idiot. cows aren't even real.