I'm drowning in grading, editing a final video for my online Intro to Theatre course, admin reporting, and putting my entire life into storage, buuuuut I also need to take occasional breaks, so a quick report on the Big Sur Marathon after the jump!
Sometimes I'm on the road, and sometimes I'm puttering incoherently. It all goes in the blag, FOR YOU.
April 29, 2022
April 21, 2022
Away We Go
Folks, the semester has a few stray threads to tie up as I finish grading and an ocean of administrative reporting, but it's safe at this point to say that I've survived my first [and, they tell me, NOT only] year of teaching. Teaching an 8-7 course load, as I insist on pointing out to anybody who knows what that means, because the panic in their eyes helps me know I'm right to feel the way I do!
Anyhow, this means I'm finishing the process of throwing my belongings into storage and vacating my apartment for the summer in between rounds of paper-grading and responding to the inevitable "I haven't turned in any assignments this semester, what would I have to do to get a C" emails. But the end is very much in sight, and the heavy lift of the teaching and showcase work is at an end, and I am ALMOST ready to breathe a sigh of relief. Coming up next? After the jump...