Folks - what a year (bad version) it has been! This maybe-ostensibly-a-travel-blog site has been moribund and at this point we're looking at more than a year delay in catching up on travels (holy moly it's been over a year since Morocco! Big yikes in re the passage of time!) but y'know, the death of a student, death of a sister, and one of the roughest rehearsal processes of my life... it adds up, I regret to say. I'm a couple days away from kicking off the new semester/rehearsal process, and (I gotta be me!) am daffily optimistic that I'll be back in catching-up-on-posts business once the frenzy of week-one prep has subsided. Am I wrong? probably! In the meantime: did you know it's possible to be grateful even in the midst of the worst year of one's life? IT IS IN FACT VERY MUCH SO! After the jump: ye aulde annual (I thinke!) list of gratitude! For 2023! Aroo!