January 2, 2025

Gratitude: 2024!


Life continues to be dingdong nonsense (in a mostly-positive way, personally!) and so this blog has been moribund. I'm fixin' to get a better handle on my schedule in the new year - some better boundary-setting around work, some better habits in my down time, less "setting up a home AND 20 hours of language study a week AND cultural adaptation, AND big old research project" and more "sometimes listen to music and journal and cut together video and blog and whatnot." But y'know, this blog is a testament to intentions gone unfulfilled, so we'll just see about that.

Til then, though, it's time for my favorite tradition over the past 8 years or so, which is: a year-end list of moments or articles of gratitude that linger with me! As always, it's a not terribly organized/methodical "what comes to mind" list (sometimes prompted by glances at my calendar or book-of-days, sometimes just what emerges when I let my mind wander freely) but I like the annual marker of things for which I want to retain my gratitude even when, as in 2023, a year can be truly awful as much as it is anything else. After the jump: many things!