June 11, 2016

Poland, that is, nowhere

Guys, Krakow was great. It was small - I don't know if it's technically true, but its Old Town/Jewish Quarter (the major non-suburban-feeling centers) collectively felt much smaller than even Prague, an easy hour's walk (at most!) from tip to tip. But it was also gorgeously green - back when they did away with the medieval city walls/moat, they turned that real estate into a park surrounding the city, meaning it's easy to wander through park paths to get from side to side.

The food was delicious and cheap (you have to work hard, be consciously trying for a blowout dinner, or do very little advance planning to break $8, including drinks) and the coffee culture was stupendous. Pączki are delicious, as are pierogi. But what made THIS trip special was... FRIENDSHIP???

It's true: my wonderful friend Kate J, who I've known for almost fifteen years now, jetted down to meet me in Poland, giving me a much-needed oasis of good-friends-in-person at the end of my first month in Europe (!). I'll be visiting her and her husband Stuart in late July back in Bristol, but Kate's a smart lady and she realized with the tough events of this week I'd do well to be around a pal.

So it turned out to be great that Krakow was so cozy, as we mostly spent the days exploring and goofing off and having long conversations about Life. My only regret was that we didn't explore the nightlife more - our one real out-and-about evening gave us just a taste of how varied and enjoyable the city's bars/clubs/restaurants can be, and we were a bit tuckered to really get the full spectrum. Next time!

After the jump, photos. Before the jump: video!

The interior of the Old Synagogue. While I have a better sense of Budapest's Jewish history, obviously Krakow has a significant legacy as well. Oddball fact of interest: Prince Charles (yes, that one!) founded Krakow's Jewish Cultural Center about a decade ago! Hashtag facts.

This city was full of great murals/street art, but this one is almost certainly my favorite, just south of the Old Synagogue in Kazimierz (the Jewish Quarter).

That's me and my friend Kate! We are having so much "fun" hooray for "travel." "Wheeeee."


Coffeetimes. We had many of these, though not here. We were offended by the artwork. NOT EVERYBODY CAN GROW A MUSTACHE, YOU GUYS.

From the park that surrounds the Old Town! I love this sculpture to the end of time.

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