June 28, 2017

Croatia: a place where they film things

As I've already posted about Dubrovnik and Zagreb, I thought it would make the most sense to give this video its own post. A stitching-together of those two cities, and a thin slice of Split to round things out. After the jump, the video!

This one was fun to cut together, in part because I'd forgotten what all I had filmed (and in some cases hadn't realized what I caught in a shot?) Here, then, are the highlights for me, should you care to locate them.

1. A pigeon tossing around a piece of prosciutto in slow motion, proving again that they are the filthiest, most disgusting, and most evil birds in the animal kingdom.
2. Two shots in which I tell my friend Kate to do something ridiculous (chomp on an island and open her mouth as wide as she can)
3.  Accidentally catching on film the frigging cannon blast they shoot off in Zagreb (every day at noon I believe?)
4. The peacock that spent an afternoon hanging out around my feet like a big ol' creeper
5. The... the fun places and the nice people? And the sights, don't let me forget about the sights

Okay! This concludes this round of things - after Zagreb, I moved on to my next long-haul stay, a little under a month in Vienna! (Which is already over by the time this posts! Life is weird!) I'm really glad I took this tear around the Balkans, and doubly so to have done so with a good old friend, but among other things it reminded me why I love slow travel and shoulder-season or off-season travel, which I think help you escape the Disneyfication of these places at the height of the tourist season. Still and all, gratitude wins the day, and I ain't never gonna regret having caught the fleeting glimpses that I did.

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