August 12, 2017

Donate, and fight

Horrible news coming out of Charlottesville today, infuriating to watch from a distance. Nothing of value I can add except to ask anybody who reads this thing on the regular to help fight back in an ugly time. Most of you already do in some ways, I'm sure. But today, consider clicking through the donation links on the right sidebar of the page - especially the NAACP and Southern Poverty Law Center. Both of them are fighting in the trenches against the racist hate and violence that unspooled today.

Also, for those of you who share my white privilege: let's do a better job of speaking back in unambiguous terms when we encounter racist behavior and speech. None of the "on many sides" crap that our nightmarish president trotted out to avoid alienating his white supremacist supporters today; none of the deeply-embedded midwestern attempt to avoid conflict through deflecting with a simple "Well, I don't think THAT'S fair, but [vague platitudes in an attempt to find common ground]." Racism (like sexism and homophobia) is malignant and deserves to be called out bluntly and directly. I haven't been good or consistent on this count, and I hope to do better.

Be good to each other. Fight for the people who are at a disadvantage. Love hard, and defend with ardor.

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