May 19, 2019


This feels like the positive version of a "death by a thousand cuts" thing, but: as of yesterday, I am officially a Doctor of Philosophy. As y'all long-timers know, there were a solid few years where I was pretty firmly convinced (internally, at least) that this was not going to happen. But it has, and I'm awful grateful to have gotten to swing out to Boston (with some Maine time as a forerunner, cos Maine is the Real Deal) to get all the goofy regalia, have dinner with my advisor, and most importantly, celebrate with all the friends, family, and mentors who got me through the darkest, most fraught, depressed, and anxious days of the whole shebang. Not being given up on: is there any better feeling in the world????

The future is, as always, an unknowable blank slate. There's a lot to juggle and a lot of mindfulness to exercise as I triangulate between What I Want and What Would Open Up Possibilities and What Dumb External Expectations Can I Please Disregard Since They Come From Value Systems That I Don't Have. But this weekend was a great reminder that tons of people (too many??) have my back, are there for me, and will be there for me whatever comes next.

So: thanks for and to friends! In conclusion, let's all value hard work and accomplishments without in any way pretending we are fundamentally significant people now that we have a funny hat and a confusing piece of drapery to sling around our necks??