December 29, 2019

We All Got Married In California

After the post: music, video, etc!

Whee-ow, all of this is massively delayed, but thanks to a cold that has waylaid my entire family (holidays are a time for togetherness) I am finally getting some videos edited and catching up on, you know, life stuff! That's when I am not eschewing laptops/phones/all things electronic, as I'm finding I need more and more to plug into an analog in-the-moment existence to feel at peace. Ah, the magic of being a person!

Anyhow, here's a lil cobbled together wedding trip video from Carlsbad CA. More footage to come from New England, Minnesota, and Los Angeles, probably after the new year. More immediately, I am jazzed beyond belief to be gearing up for a contemplative and quiet, intimate-friends-and-not-much-else New Year's Eve, the better to take my now-annual inventory of gratitude and delight for the year that was.

If I don't post before then, then, happy new year! May 2020 be the year we finally turn the tide against the rise of global fascism and the interpersonal rise of cruelty and callousness!