Welcome to probably the most non-sequitur post we are likely to see on this blog, or maybe not maybe it's about to become a pop culture blog sending missives from 20 years ago back to today?? Anyway, I was recently persuaded to dive into Gilmore Girls (which I've always been curious about but never had occasion to try) and I've torn through a season and change in just a few weeks. Rather than continue to annoy my friends with my Takes, I thought I'd drop by here with my Official Ranking of Gilmore Girls Dudes, circa Season One. After the jump: who could possibly care about this!
Sometimes I'm on the road, and sometimes I'm puttering incoherently. It all goes in the blag, FOR YOU.
January 22, 2022
January 9, 2022
Gratitude: 2021 edition
On the eve of spring semester, my second as a full-time faculty member, and marginally better-prepared than I was for my first (at this time last semester I was literally trying to find an apartment and move a first week's worth of living supplies while continuing to work my day job back at Loyola; truly psychotic that this was only four months ago), I wanted to pause and commemorate in this space a few of the memories, moments, events, whatever-you-want-to-call-em for which I'm grateful.
Longtime readers and pals know that this became an annual exercise in 2016, and it's the one thing I have done every New Years Eve since then. I'm not much of one for resolutions; I usually have a handful of projects toward which I'm working, and this grateful look back is always a good reminder that it's literally impossible to chart a linear course, and far more rewarding to pause and reflect on the unexpected swerves that shaped my life into something far better than I'd have sculpted for myself.
If I'm lucky, I'm writing this list in a corner of the world I've never visited before, or at home before I trek out to meet up with close friends; but even if I'm unluckily holed up thanks to a COVID variant quashing multiple rounds of plans, it's one of the most soul-feeding, mindset-correcting habits I have, and I'm glad for it!
Excerpts from the handwritten (and long!) list of grateful 2021 memories after the jump.
Sunsets over Lake Michigan: did NOT make the cut for the gratitude list, but probably should have! |